Dialogue on a Shared Feminist Vision Across Culture, Faith, and Values (video, English)
The feminist goals of human rights and climate justice are not the purview of any single culture or faith. Across the planet, irrespective of nation or creed, millions of women and men value human life, human rights, and human security as sacred. Yet we are at a moment in history where we face a range of existential threats, frequently fueled by competition and violence between people of different cultures and religions.
On October 15, 2020, five distinguished feminists from diverse faiths and cultures will participate in a dialogue on their vision for rights and peace. They will discuss how historically our diversity has been used to divide us, but is in fact humankind’s greatest strength. If we are going to solve the challenges of climate change, human suffering, and violence, then we must work together. Too often political and social reform movements do not engage with communities of faith. The panelists will discuss how intercultural and interfaith mobilization can strengthen the global feminist movement and bring us closer to sustainable solutions to the world’s interconnected threats.
Runtime: [01:25:10]