Our Impact

Local to Global
Indonesia 16 Days Campaign March
WLP Indonesia/WYDII takes to the streets during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, December 2017.

WLP is working with women and men at every level, from the family unit to the highest echelons of government and religious authorities, to create laws and policies that are responsive to the needs of all people, irrespective of gender or other distinctions. We have developed curriculum in over 20 languages, conducted locally-led research on laws and living conditions in over 50 countries, produced dozens of training manuals, hosted hundreds of institutes to train trainers, and supported thousands of workshops to build the confidence and skills of grassroots women in leadership, political participation, and advocacy. 

Since 2000:

OUR REACH: Our programs and training materials have reached hundreds of thousands of women and men in over 50 countries; 

OUR SUPPORT: Our technical support and capacity-building workshops have strengthened thousands of women’s organizations;

OUR ADVOCACY: Our dozens of regional and global women’s rights campaigns—on family law, nationality and citizenship, VAW, and refugee rights, to name only a few—have improved the lives of millions worldwide.

Soulaliyate Women Protest 2017
WLP Morocco/ADFM has been supporting and training Soulaliyate activists for over a decade.

Here are some of what the WLP Partnership has accomplished: 


  • Introduced femicide as a crime into the penal code of Brazil; 
  • Reformed the Family Code in Morocco and Personal Status Law in Jordan. 
  • Advocated successfully for the revocation of penal code articles in Jordan and Lebanon that allowed rapists to marry their victims to avoid punishment.
  • Improved the legal status and access to basic rights of non-Lebanese spouses and children of Lebanese women, and mobilized to make equal citizenship rights become a major political debate in Lebanon. 
  • Advocated successfully for the passage of a landmark Domestic Violence Bill in Malaysia. 
  • Advocated successfully for the reversal of reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Morocco.
  • Advocated successfully for the ratification of seven core human rights treaties including CEDAW in Palestine. 
Kazakhstan Workshop on Leadership
Participants at the conclusion of a WLP leadership workshop in Kazakhstan share their future plans for civic engagement, 2017.


  • Drafted and secured the adoption of a national plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in Jordan.
  • Successfully pressured the governments of Mauritania and Zimbabwe to establish gender quotas for women’s political participation. 
  • Advocated successfully for the enforcement of laws punishing perpetrators of honor crimes in Palestine. 


  • Mobilized women's groups and lawmakers to address issues of slavery and child trafficking in Mauritania (the president of WLP's partner in Mauritania, AFCF, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work in 2015).
  • Initiated a campaign for equal inheritance rights in Morocco.
  • Built the capacity of indigenous Soulaliyate women in Morocco to mobilize for the rights to their ancestral lands, which resulted in an unprecedented equal land allocation and compensation among women and men in July 2018.
  • Mobilized thousands of activists who fought for the passage of laws criminalizing rape, domestic violence, and child marriage in Pakistan.
Nigeria 16 Days Against GBV Campaign
School girls in Nigeria show their support for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, December 2017.