Leading to Choices: A Leadership Training Handbook for Women (manual, Maghrebi-Arabic)

Leading to Choices Maghreby Arabic
Maghreby Arabic LTC w Cover.pdf

Leading to Choices: A Leadership Training Handbook for Women (manual, Maghrebi-Arabic)

Resource Type
Training Manual (Curriculum)
Publication Year
Arabic-Maghrebi (العربية المغربية)




WLP's foundational training manual provides curriculum for teaching inclusive, participatory, and horizontal leadership. The manual features twelve interactive sessions, along with culture-specific case studies and scenarios relevant to the cultivation of effective leadership skills. For those who are new to facilitating workshops, the handbook includes "Guidelines for Facilitating" that help users to create stimulating environments that promote mutual respect, dialogue, and collaboration. Leading to Choices is designed to be easily adapted to suit diverse cultural, political, and socio-economic needs of different audiences.

Resource available in additional languages (link)


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