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Equality Starts in the Family Resource Package
- Equality: It's All in the Family (video, English)
- Feminist Advocacy, Family Law, and Violence Against Women: International Perspectives (book, English)
- Equality: It Starts in the Family Film Screening Guide (document, English)
Showing 960 results
Beyond Equality Session 1: What Are Human Rights? [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session guides exchange of ideas about universal human rights (and where they came from), and considers when and where human rights
Beyond Equality Session 2: Human Dignity, Physical Integrity, and the Rights of Husbands and Wives [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session explores the meaning of human dignity, considers an individual's right to control her own body, and discusses whether marriage
Beyond Equality Session 3: Women's Participation in Public Life [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session considers what rights and freedoms protect women's participation in the public sphere, the rights and responsibilities of
Beyond Equality Session 4: Equity versus Equality [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session examines the terms "equity" and "equality." Specifically, what they signify in international law, how they may relate to women
Beyond Equality Session 5: Advocacy and Action: Women Speaking Out [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session reflects on challenges women face when they demand their rights and speak out against injustice, the courage involved in these
Beyond Equality Session 6: Legal Rights and Justice for Women Human Rights Defenders [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session explores what rights women have to advocate for human rights, reviews relevant international laws, and considers the connection
Beyond Equality Session 7: Security versus Freedom: Which Rights Prevail? [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session discusses states' responsibilities to protect citizens' freedoms and their right to security, considers when the right to
Beyond Equality Session 8: Freedom of Belief and Religion [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session considers the scope of freedom of belief and religion, discusses the distinction between the right to religious belief and the
Beyond Equality Session 9: Preserving Traditions versus Protecting Human Rights [Part 1] (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This session examines who defines or establishes one's cultural heritage, discusses whether there are any legitimate practices of gender
Beyond Equality: A Manual for Human Rights Defenders (manual, English)
Published:An adaptable curriculum on human rights, with a special emphasis on promoting and protecting the rights of women.
Beyond Equality: A Manual for Human Rights Defenders (manual, Persian)
Published:Beyond Equality: A Manual for Women’s Rights Advocacy provides curriculum for a 14-session workshop on human rights for grassroots women
Beyond Equality: A Manual for Human Rights Defenders (manual, Portuguese)
Published:Beyond Equality: A Manual for Women’s Rights Advocacy provides curriculum for a 14-session workshop on human rights for grassroots women