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Featured Curricula
Equality Starts in the Family Resource Package
- Equality: It's All in the Family (video, English)
- Feminist Advocacy, Family Law, and Violence Against Women: International Perspectives (book, English)
- Equality: It Starts in the Family Film Screening Guide (document, English)
It's Up to Us
- It's Up to Us (video, Arabic)
- It's Up to Us (video, English)
- It's Up to Us (video, French)
Showing 121 results
Kavita Ramdas Oral History (audio files, English)
Published:This resource page links to the audio recording files for Kavita Ramdas' oral history interviews (India/USA).
Kavita Ramdas Oral History Content Summary (document, English)
Published:This document is a time-coded written summary in five-minute increments of an oral history interview with Kavita Ramdas (India/USA).
LaShawn Jefferson Interview on Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (video, English)
Published:Part of a series of interviews focusing on best practices for activists and human rights organizations.
Leading the Way to Peace, Women Peacemakers (video, English)
Published:A documentary consisting of profiles of four women peace activists from around the world was produced in the context of an eight week
Les femmes soutiennent le ciel (Women hold up half the sky) Videodrama series in honor of the 20th anniversary of CEDAW (video, French)
Published:The CEDAW Training Video Series is a compelling series of 8 short film training videos on women's human rights.
Lifelines 2001: The Literature of Human Rights (video, English)
Published:Five leading international women authors will read their poetry and prose on women’s human rights and address current human rights
Lifelines 2002: Elizabeth Alexander (video, English)
Published:Elizabeth Alexander (USA) presents her poetry at WLP's Lifelines: The Literature of Women's Human Rights, 2002, American University.
Lifelines 2002: Fatema Mernissi (video, English)
Published:Fatema Mernissi of Morocco presents excerpts from her work, Princess Nur Jahan, at WLP's Lifelines: The Literature of Women's Human Rights
Lifelines 2002: Goli Taraghi (video, English)
Published:Goli Taraghi discusses the conditions of a writer and woman in Iran, and presents excerpts from her book, Mr. Alef in Paris at WLP's Lifelin
Lifelines 2002: Merle Collins (video, English)
Published:Merle Collins of Grenada presents her poetry at WLP's Lifelines: The Literature of Women's Human Rights, 2002, American University.
Lifelines 2003: Reetika Vazirani (video, English)
Published:In celebration of International Women’s Day, Reetika Vazirani reads her poetry on human rights and address current issues around the world
Lifelines 2015: The Poetry of Human Rights (video, English)
Published:Readings by leading women poets during the Lifelines session of WLP's The World We Seek Conference, September 14, 2015.