Women leaders from Muslim-majority societies discuss strategies for the creation of egalitarian communities and reform of family law based on women’s capability to choose at the WLP/SAIS event, A Shared Vision for Change: Women and Legislative Reform in Muslim Majority Societies.
A parallel event of WLP and CRTD-A during the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (2014) discusses changes taking place in transitioning countries of the Arab region, and their decisive impact on the ability of new emerging states to implement the MDGs for women and girls.
WLP’s first online forum event explores the intersection of gender, identity, and activism, through the experiences of five young activists and artists in the Middle East North Africa region.
Part of a series of interviews focusing on best practices for activists and human rights organizations with speakers and panelists of WLP's "2020 Vision" event, itself part of the 2010 annual session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York City.