Beyond Equality: A Manual for Human Rights Defenders (manual, Portuguese)
Beyond Equality: A Manual for Women’s Rights Advocacy provides curriculum for a 14-session workshop on human rights for grassroots women, students, and civil society professionals. The sessions explore human rights with a special emphasis on women’s rights, and the human rights instruments that can be used to advocate for the advancement of everyone.
The manual begins by asking the most basic but important questions about what are human rights and why are they essential. The sessions that follow explore the rights that are enumerated in international human rights agreements through raising contemporary, topical concerns. The sessions address controversies and conflicts relating to the acceptance of universal rights, as well as the social and moral progress that can be achieved through their application. The final sessions look at the most frequently used international human rights and women’s rights mechanisms, and where they might be applied to current social justice campaigns. The lessons in the manual press participants to aspire beyond equal power between men and women, to world where there are rights, freedom, and security for all.
Resource available in additional languages (link)