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Equality Starts in the Family Resource Package
- Equality: It's All in the Family (video, English)
- Feminist Advocacy, Family Law, and Violence Against Women: International Perspectives (book, English)
- Equality: It Starts in the Family Film Screening Guide (document, English)
It's Up to Us
- It's Up to Us (video, Arabic)
- It's Up to Us (video, English)
- It's Up to Us (video, French)
Showing 152 results
Leading to Action Session 2: Ethical Politics (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises to define the characteristics of ethical politics.
Leading to Action Session 3: Where Do I Fit In as a Political Actor? (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises to explore the role of a political actor, using case studies from Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Jordan, and Kyrgyzstan.
Leading to Action Session 4: Identifying Our Political Issue and Developing Our Message (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on identifying a political issue and developing a message.
Leading to Action Session 5: Mapping the Political Scene (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on mapping the opportunities and challenges in the political scene, exploring spheres of influence, and determining next steps to
Leading to Action Session 6: Core Constituency Building (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on building a core constituency base, creating campaign slogans, and fundraising for a political campaign.
Leading to Action Session 7: Networking and Coalition-Building (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on networking and coalition-building.
Leading to Action Session 8: Getting the Word Out: Personal Communication Techniques (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on leadership and communication.
Leading to Action Session 9: Negotiation/Compromise/Non-Negotiables (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Exercises on negotiating, finding common ground, and standing firm on non-negotiables in the political arena.
Leading to Choices Appendix A: Alternative Scenarios (manual excerpt, English)
Published:A series of six alternative scenarios used in grassroots leadership workshops by WLP partner organizations in Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, and
Leading to Choices Appendix B: Facilitation Tactics (manual excerpt, English)
Published:This is a list of facilitation tactics for workshop facilitators.
Leading to Choices Appendix C: Participative Listening (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Tips for practicing participative listening and giving verbal/non-verbal responses in a dialogue.
Leading to Choices Appendix D: Resources on Leadership (manual excerpt, English)
Published:Bibliography of leadership training manuals and resources on leadership and civil society development