Abena Busia Interview on Family Law Reform (video, English) Abena Busia Interview on family law reform as part of a collaboration between WLP and IDRC. Topics Reforming Family Laws
Abena Busia Oral History (audio files, English) This resource page links to two audio recording files for Abena Busia's oral history interview (Ghana/USA). Topics Preserving Women's History
Abena Busia Oral History Content Summary (document, English) This document is a time-coded written summary in five-minute increments of an oral history interview with Abena Busia (Ghana/USA). Topics Preserving Women's History
African Leaders Create a Vision for Gender Equality in the Family at WLP's Advocacy Workshop Women's Learning Partnership From August 25-28, 2018, WLP Nigeria/CEADER hosted a RTOT. Activists from Ghana, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda gathered in Lagos for WLP’s capacity building institute on reforming discriminatory family laws. 7 September, 2018 Topics Reforming Family Laws Countries Ghana Kenya Mauritania Morocco Mozambique Nigeria Uganda