This is a pre-release copy of a full-length documentary film by Paromita Vohra for PBS that explores how women in the United States, India, and South Africa negotiate the space between law and custom.
The panel participants discuss violence and its manifestations in relation to the status of women globally. Violence is connected to economic, social, and political processes stemming from longstanding patriarchal traditions and norms. The panel discussion aired as a three-part documentary on New Zealand television.
Amina Lemrini discusses Morocco (during a period of transition since the 1990s) witnessing great advancements in political domain, and describes recommendations for institutional, political, judicial and pedagogical reforms to prevent human rights violations.
Part of a series of interviews focusing on best practices for activists and human rights organizations with speakers and panelists of WLP's "2020 Vision" event, itself part of the 2010 annual session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York City.