2020 Vision Conference Keynote: Thoraya Obaid on legal reform, violence against women, and women's health (video, English)
This resource presents the keynote address of Thoraya Obaid, former United Nations' Population Fund (UNFPA) Executive Director and current Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) board member. She focuses on violence against women and women's health, and discusses cultural change versus legal reform. She also discusses the "rights-based approach" of the UNFPA in combatting violence against women in different communities around the world.
2020 Vision: Mobilizing for Women's Rights and Ending Violence Against Women, a symposium co-organized by Women's Learning Partnership and the Social Research Journal from the New School for Social Research, was held during the 2010 annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). 2010 marked the 15th anniversary of the 1995 Beijing Conference, as well as the 10th anniversary of the founding of WLP. The purpose of the symposium was to discuss strategies for the global women's movement over the next ten years.
Runtime: [00:21:33]