16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2018
An annual campaign of the Center for Women's Global Research, Rutgers University
Event Details
25 Nov, 2018
Global Activities
WLP Partner Countries,
From November 25 to December 10, 2018, Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is participating in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a global campaign to build awareness of and end violence against women and girls. In addition to a Partnership-wide digital awareness campaign, WLP partners will implement education campaigns, demonstrations, and workshops. Through these activities, grassroots women and men will develop strategies for achieving safe and egalitarian societies for every woman and girl.
WLP Partner Activities and Events:
WLP International
As part of the 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence, WLP has compiled 16 Facts about GBV and the Family that demonstrate the need for equality in the family in order to end violence against women. Beginning November 25, WLP will share a new fact each day on social media as part of a digital awareness campaign. The 16 Facts about GBV and the Family are available in English, French, and Arabic.
November 28 – CEPIA will attend the Seminar on Institutional Racism, promoted by the Gender Violence Forum from the Magistrate School of Rio de Janeiro.
November 29 – CEPIA will conduct a workshop on bullying, racism, and gender power relations. The workshop is part of a series of workshops, in partnership with the Educational Department of Rio de Janeiro, with high school students and teachers, male and female. The training will take place at Joaquim da Silva Gomes Public High School.
November 30 – Leila Barsted will represent CEPIA and speak at a seminar on politics to combat violence against women. The seminar is organized by the Public Defenders Association of Rio de Janeiro.
November 30 – CEPIA will conduct two workshops on youth, health, and women’s human rights. The workshop is part of a series of workshops, in partnership with the Educational Department of Rio de Janeiro, with high school students and teachers, male and female. The training will take place at Henrique Dodsworth Public High School.
CEPIA, represented by Jacqueline Pitanguy, will be participating in the Global Feminist Laboratory from December 2-5. The event is organized by the Swedish Institute that will take place in Paris.
Lelia Barsted will represent CEPIA, from December 2-4, at the 15th expert MESEVECI meeting. The meeting is a follow up to the Mechanism to the Belem do Para Convention and is promoted by OAS in Washington.
December 5 – CEPIA will conduct a workshop on gender power relations and the role of schools and education systems. The workshop will take place at the Paulo Freire Teachers Training Center and participants will include high school teachers and pedagogical coordinators, as well as representatives from all the CREs – Regional Educational Coordination of Rio de Janeiro.
December 6-7 – CEPIA, represented by Leila Barsted, will be present during the opening session of an international seminar titled Gender and Rights: Challenges to the Justice System in Latin America. Barsted will speak during the session titled Race, Gender, and Rights.
December 11 – CEPIA, represented by Leila Barsted, will attend the Maria da Penha Law Consortium promoted by UN Women to discuss strategies for new activities to be held in 2019.
December 12 – CEPIA will attend a federal state seminar on the Maria da Penha Law promoted by the Federal Senate in Brasilia.
On December 16 – CEPIA will help debuted the play “POR ELAS” about feminicide at the Justice Cultural Center. After the play, Jacqueline Pitanguy will speak to the audience.
On December 17 – CEPIA is organizing a symposium on the issue of abortion and will gather health and legal justice experts as well as representatives from society and communication sector.
December 2 – WYDII will help organize a public awareness rally in Surabaya titled To End Violence against Women – Pass the Bill of Elimination of Sexual Violence. The gatherings aim is to garner support for legislation that protects against GBV.
December 10 – WYDII in partnership with Fatayat of Surabaya will conduct a workshop on violence against women. The workshop will focus on rethinking the religious and cultural notions that allow violence against women.
December 10 – WYDII will conduct a workshop titled Anti Child Marriage on Religious and Psychosocial Perspective at the Islamic State University Kediri.
November 24 – SIGI/J will participate in a demonstration along with other local civil society organizations to end GBV, child marriage, and to advocate for greater social institutions protecting women.
On November 25, SIGI/J will release a report, in collaboration with the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), on sexual harassment in Jordan. The report will be used as a tool to advocate for laws against sexual harassment.
November 26-December 9 – SIGI/J will hold 12 workshops in locations all over Jordan in order to raise awareness about GBV. For a list of times and locations of these workshops click here.
November 25- December 9 – SIGI/J will hold 20 workshops at 20 schools across Jordan in order to raise awareness of and end child marriage.
CRTD-A will use a digital awareness campaign, local workshops, and demonstrations focused on achieving equal nationality rights for women in Lebanon. The campaign will demonstrate how the discriminatory nationality law in Lebanon is a form of political violence.
For the 16 days of Activism in 2018, AWAM will focus on raising awareness around 8 kinds of gender-based violence: rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, cyber harassment, child marriage, and female genital mutilation. The information will be presented in graphic and video formats for maximum accessibility, and will provide basic definitions on each topic, address facts and myths, and list what actions can be taken to combat these forms of gender-based violence.
November 25 – AFCF will hold a demonstration by women, including victims of sexual assault, to denounce violence against women and girls.
November 25-December 10 – AFCF will hold sensitization activities on women’s political participation throughout Mauritania. A group of women will travel throughout the country to raise awareness of women’s leadership and ending violence against women.
November 25 – ADFM will gather women in a demonstration to raise awareness about GBV. The group will wear orange and use the hashtag #OrangeTheWorld in alignment with UN Women’s international 16 Days against GBV campaign
November 25 – ADFM will organize a meeting of women leaders from local rural communities in order to discuss the recognition of women’s land rights in Morocco and plan advocacy strategies to ensure equal land and inheritance rights for women.
November 25 – December 10th- ADFM will use the French translation of WLP’s 16 Days against GBV fact sheet to raise awareness of GBV and inequality in the family.
November 25 – Forum Mulher will coordinate demonstrations and speeches from activists, along with hosting a screening of the WLP documentary Equality: It’s All in the Family in order to show the public that violence has a face and a name.
November 27– GIPS/WAR will hold a workshop to demonstrate the linkage between gender-based violence and women’s access to land. The workshop is part of GIPS/WARS ongoing “Kilimanjaro Initiative” to ensure land rights for women in Senegal.
Join Women’s Learning Partnership and the International Development Research Centre to learn about 3 years of research on the link between family laws and violence against women.
From November 25 to December 10, 2017, WLP partners from all over the globe will organize and participate in workshops, film screenings, and events as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.