Leading to Choices Multimedia Facilitators Toolkit (videos and guides, Russian)

Leading to Choices Multimedia Facilitators Toolkit (videos and guides, Russian)

Resource Type
Multimedia Facilitators' Toolkit
Publication Year
Russian (pусский)




Leading to Choices: A Multimedia Toolkit for Leadership Learning is an innovative, three-part, multimedia training package that builds women's skills to communicate effectively, facilitate participatory learning environments, and mobilize powerful advocacy campaigns. This package has been an integral component of WLP’s Training of Trainers (TOT) program since 2003, and continues to be used by women leaders across the Global South. 

Using videos and written lessons, the toolkit provides interactive, scenario-based activities and examples, and is based on a concept of participatory leadership that enables women and men share power, overcome conflict, and build coalitions to promote human rights, social justice, and peace. 

These materials are tailored for non-governmental organizations, women’s groups, development agencies, human rights and democracy activists, trainers, organizers, and school and university educators who seek to engage in their own leadership development and increase women's agency for achieving their social, economic, and legal rights. 

Download the COMPLETE Leading to Choices Multimedia Facilitators Toolkit (Russian) 

This toolkit contains the following parts, each of which may also be accessed individually:


This overview provides an introduction and context for the curriculum and a summary of each component and its intended use. The overview also provides sample three- and five-day schedules for training of trainers, leadership learning, communication skills development, and advocacy workshops.

1. Learning to Facilitate Interactively

Guide: The Learning to Facilitate Interactively guide contains discussion and role-play exercises for developing facilitation techniques that reflect the principles of inclusive and participatory leadership, and help facilitators create environments that engage participants in their own leadership development. Through skills-building exercises, facilitators gain the acumen to promote participative listening, share responsibility for leading activities, stimulate discussion, encourage enthusiasm for divergent opinions, and work cooperatively.

Video: The Learning to Facilitate Interactively video showcases facilitation techniques used by WLP partners to conduct leadership workshops for women in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Through simulating workshops and critiquing facilitation techniques, participants discuss innovative methods for creating learning environments that are engaging and democratic.

2. Communicating for Change

Guide: The Communicating for Change guide contains exercises for improving personal and organizational communication skills through developing persuasive communication styles, creating compelling messages, devising communications campaign strategies, and using the media to effectively communicate a message.

Video: The Communicating for Change video focuses on two crucial aspects of communication: a) developing media messages and b) conducting media interviews. WLP partners in consultation with a communications expert discuss strategies for developing powerful messages and effectively conveying them through broadcast media.

3. Developing Effective Advocacy Campaigns

Guide: The Developing Effective Advocacy Campaigns guide contains exercises on how to engage in successful advocacy for social change. The exercises enable participants to explore the various stages of formulating and implementing advocacy campaigns, including building pluralistic coalitions, and creating locally appropriate advocacy strategies.

Video: The Developing Effective Advocacy Campaigns video features activists from WLP partner organizations in Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, and Palestine who share their experiences using advocacy strategies to fight violence against women and to promote women’s human rights. Zainah Anwar describes the campaign to pass the Domestic Violence Act in Malaysia. Amina Lemrini of Morocco talks about the ongoing campaign to amend legislation to protect women from sexual harassment in the workplace. Suheir Azzouni describes Palestinian women’s efforts to reverse regulations requiring them to obtain permission from male guardians before applying for a passport. Asma Khader talks about the campaign to eliminate honor crimes in Jordan.

Resource available in additional languages (link)


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