Event Details
08 Oct, 2003
- Kenney Auditorium, Johns Hopkins SAIS
- Washington, DC
This conference, produced in collaboration with the Global Fund for Women and held at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, will provide a forum for international women leaders and human security experts from the Global South, particularly from Muslim societies, to define human security goals from a perspective that is people-centered and focuses on the social, political, economic, and cultural needs and rights of individuals.
Participants from 20 countries around the world will explore ways to implement human security goals including the peaceful resolution of conflicts, sustainable development, gender equity, and strong civil societies that support and promote democratic processes.
Clash or Consensus? Event brochure
Watch Keynote address: Mary Robinson
Watch Session 1: Rethinking Security: Human Security and Human Rights
Watch Session 2: Fundamentalisms
Watch Session 3: Caring for the Future
Watch Session 4: Participatory Leadership and Democratic Governance
Watch Session 5: Recovering from Violent Conflict: Gender and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Watch Session 6: The Role of National and Transnational Organizations in Ensuring Human Security
Event Topics Include:
- Human Security & Human Rights
- Preventing the Spread of Extremisms & Minimizing Threats to Human Security
- Knowledge, Skills & Values for Human Security
- Health & Reproductive Rights
- Gender & Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- Participatory Leadership & Democratic Governance
- Building Grassroots & International Alliances
In addition to WLP representatives, the following individuals contribute:
Amneh Badran, Director, East Jerusalem Center for Women (Palestine)
Najma Heptulla, Deputy Chairperson, Rajya Sabha, Upper House of Parliament (India)
Swanee Hunt, Founder and Chair, Women Waging Peace, former Ambassador to Austria (USA)
Azza Karam, Women’s Program Director, Religions for Peace, World Conference on Religion and Peace (Egypt)
Wangari Maathai, Coordinator, The Greenbelt Movement (Kenya)
Mishka Mojabber Mourani, Senior Vice President, International College (Lebanon)
Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo, Founder, Caring for the Future Foundation, former Prime Minister (Portugal)
Nasreen M. Sideek, Minister of Reconstruction and Development, Kurdistan Regional Government (Iraq)
Madhavi Sunder, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis, School of Law (USA)
Mervat Tallawy, Executive Secretary, UN ESCWA, former Minister, Insurance and Social Affairs (Egypt)
"In the last analysis, human security means a child who did not die, a disease that did not spread, an ethnic tension that did not explode, a dissident who was not silenced, a human spirit that was not crushed. The imperatives of this human security have become universal, indivisable, and truly global today."
-Mahbub ul Haq, Founder and Chief Architect of UNDP Human Development Reports