Asma Khader Oral History (audio files, English) This resource page links to the audio recording files for Asma Khader's oral history interview (Jordan). Topics Preserving Women's History
Asma Khader Oral History Content Summary (document, English) This document is a time-coded written summary in five-minute increments of an oral history interview with Asma Khader (Jordan). Topics Preserving Women's History
Attiya Inayatullah interview on activism in politics and women's work, Pakistan (video, English) Pakistani activist Attiya Inayatullah discusses a variety of biographical and contextual/historical topics. Topics Mobilizing Political Participation Advancing Human Security
Aurat Foundation Charter of Demands for Gender Equality in Elections (document, English) Before Pakistan held its general elections in February 2024, WLP’s partner Aurat Foundation coordinated several activities to promote a fair process including the presentation to the media of a Charter of Demands for gender equity in elections. Topics Promoting Leadership Mobilizing Political Participation