A television documentary produced by WLP Kyrgyzstan/Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) (now Bir Duino), presents CAC's programming using WLP's manual Leading to Choices and discussions about women's leadership and the state of women's rights in Kyrgyzstan.
Part 1 of a television documentary produced by WLP Kyrgyzstan/Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) (now Bir Duino), which describes CAC's trainings and other programming using WLP's manual Leading to Choices.
Part 2 of a television documentary produced by WLP Kyrgyzstan/Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) (now Bir Duino), which discusses the characteristics of women leaders and public attitudes toward women's leadership in Kyrgyz society.
Part 3 of a television documentary produced by WLP Kyrgyzstan/Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) (now Bir Duino), which discusses leadership, female leaders, and the state of human rights protections in Kyrgyzstan.