Leading to Choices Television Documentary [Part 3] (video, English)

Leading to Choices Television Documentary [Part 3] (video, English)

Resource Type
Partner Documentary
Publication Year
English (US)





A television documentary produced by WLP Kyrgyzstan/Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) (now Bir Duino), presents a discussion with Kyrgyz women leaders on leadership, their experience as female leaders, and the state of human rights protections in Kyrgyzstan. 

This is the third part (of three) of the English dubbed version of the film, which also presents CAC's trainings and public outreach using WLP's manual Leading to Choices, and a discussion of the characteristics of women leaders and public attitudes toward women's leadership in Kyrgyz society. This documentary is also available in the original Russian. The Russian version contains the introductory segment.

Runtime: [00:32:01]

Resource available in additional languages (link)


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