This is a pre-release copy of a full-length documentary film by Paromita Vohra for PBS that explores how women in the United States, India, and South Africa negotiate the space between law and custom.
This video was produced by the Association of Democratic Women in Morocco (ADFM) and is about the need to reform the inheritance system in Morocco. While more women are contributing to family wealth, they rarely see any of this money later on. The video argues that there must be a series of legal reforms to address the problem of inheritance.
Asma Khader (2006) of Sisterhood is Global Institute/Jordan (SIGI/J), speaks about SIGI/J's mission, the state of NGOs in Jordan, the perception of feminism as a Western value, and the challenges that this misconception presents. Describes need for civil society laws to enable independent activity and resources (financial and expertise), and cooperation with international community.
This documentary explores the gender division of roles and rights within the Azerbaijani community (mostly Shiite Muslims) in post-Soviet Georgia. Gender Montage is a series of nine films from nine countries that explores the state of women in the Post-Soviet era.