About Our Event Archives

Use the filters on our BROWSE THE LEARNING CENTER page to explore our Event Archives.

  • Video and audio recordings of events, public conferences, panels, and expert meetings
  • Biographies of event speakers and panelists
  • Reports, booklets, brochures, fliers, and other literature associated with WLP events

For WLP and our partners, meetings and conferences are paramount for movement building and amplifying women’s voices from the Global South. Making available the proceedings from events where critical ideas were debated and leading feminists and grassroots women shared their experiences, is a critical part of both preserving history and propelling the women’s movement forward. 

Speakers and participants of WLP events include heads of state, lawmakers, heads of international and national agencies, women’s rights leaders, academics, poets, and grassroots women from around the globe.

Among the recorded events in our archives are WLP’s annual Transnational Partners Convenings (TPCs), where we bring together our partners to discuss the state of the world and progress on our programs and campaigns. When possible, we’ve also recorded international human rights forums and conferences at which our partners have participated.

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