Palestine (Gaza) Penal Code, Palestine Criminal Code_Arabic_0.pdf
Palestine (Gaza) Penal Code, Palestine Criminal Code (document, Arabic)
Resource Type
Penal Code
Publication Year
Arabic-Shami/Standard (العربية)
Palestinian Criminal Code No. 37 of 1936 is applicable in Gaza. Code No. 37 was amended by the following legislation: Law No. 37 of 1937, Law No. 59 of 1939, Law No. 21 of 1944, Law No. 41 of 1944, Law No. 57 of 1946, and Law No. 1 of 1947.
Three penal codes have the same legal importance in Gaza. They are the Palestinian Criminal Code, British Mandate Criminal Code, and Egyptian Penal Code. Whenever a provision in one law contradicts a provision in another law, it is the most recent one that supersedes. These competing and overlapping legal codes have led to calls for a reformed penal code for Gaza that unifies all three.
Source: UNODC, SHERLOC (Document Source)