Constitution of Morocco (document, English)

Morocco Constitution 2011-English.pdf

Constitution of Morocco (document, English)

Resource Type
Publication Year
English (US)





The Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco of 2011.


  • Preamble
  • Title One: General Provisions
  • Title II: Fundamental Freedoms and Rights
  • Title III: Of the Royalty
  • Title IV: Of the Legislative Power
  • Title V: Of the Executive Power
  • Title VI: Of the Relations between the Powers
  • Title VII: Of the Judicial Power
  • Title VIII: Of the Constitutional Court
  • Title IX: Of the Regions and of the Other Territorial Collectivities
  • Title X: Of the Court of Accounts
  • Title XI: Of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council
  • Title XII: Of Good Governance
  • Title XIII: Of the Revision of the Constitution 
  • Title XIV: Transitory and Final Provisions

Source: Constitute Project (Document Source)

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