Anne Gahongayire Oral History (audio files, English) This resource page links to two audio recording files for Anne Gahongayire's oral history interview (Rwanda). Topics Preserving Women's History
Anne Gahongayire Oral History Content Summary (document, English) This document is a time-coded written summary in five-minute increments of an oral history interview with Anne Gahongayire (Rwanda). Topics Preserving Women's History
Bunmi Diplo Salami interview on women's rights and activism in Nigeria, patriarchy, and WLP leadership curriculum (video, English) Bunmi Diplo-Salami, of BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights (BAOBAB), speaks on the state of women's rights in Nigeria and BAOBAB's work in the period before the 2007 elections. Topics Promoting Leadership Strengthening Civil Society
Clash or Consensus? Keynote address: Mary Robinson (video, English) Mary Robinson gives the keynote address at WLP's Clash or Consensus? conference. Topics Advancing Human Security Strengthening Civil Society