Aruna Rao Oral History (audio files, English) This resource page links to four audio recording files for Aruna Rao's oral history interview (India/USA). Topics Preserving Women's History
Aruna Rao Oral History Content Summary (document, English) This document is a time-coded written summary in five-minute increments of an oral history interview with Aruna Rao (India/USA). Topics Preserving Women's History
Attiya Inayatullah interview on activism in politics and women's work, Pakistan (video, English) Pakistani activist Attiya Inayatullah discusses a variety of biographical and contextual/historical topics. Topics Mobilizing Political Participation Advancing Human Security
Clash or Consensus? Session 2: Fundamentalisms (video, English) A discussion focused on fundamentalism at the second session of WLP's conference, Clash or Consensus? Topics Advancing Human Security